
Activity 6: Contemporary trends in New Zealand or internationally.

Activity 6: Week 30 Contemporary trends in New Zealand or internationally. Defining ‘trend’. Visser and Gagnon (2005) refers to trend as the statistically observable change or general orientation of a general movement……Wilson (2012) notes that a characteristic of a “trend” is that the changes it bring would have impacts within the field or wider environment.                                    I am using Rolfe’s reflective model for my reflection.                       Step 1 (What):   Identify one trend that is most relevant to your practice . Digital technology in my first years of teaching was just a computer in the corner of the room, children used it now and then for publishing a piece of text but not always. Then years later, teachers were given laptops mainly for planning, accessing etap and emails. Still digital technology was not a part of the classroom planning/programmes. About 5 years ago, our s